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🇺🇸 GAB after VIDI SPACE is now available in Amazon Prime UK & USA

Dernière mise à jour : 18 mars 2021

GAB is on top on streaming platforms in USA & UK !

GAB directed by Gazanfer BIRICIK, after being integrated to the new famous Sci-Fi streaming Plateforme VIDI SPACE in USA leaded by Elizabeth Saint, is now in streaming on Amazon Prime available in USA & UK. Below the links to reach the short GAB :

🇺🇸 In streaming on VIDI SPACE :

🇺🇸In streaming on Amazon Prime UK :

🇬🇧In streaming on Amazon Prime USA :

Wishing other platforms will follow, thanks to VIDI SPACE, but it's already huge for GAB which its birth place "France" never pay attention on GAB.

GAB is a success all other the world. GAB has been selected about 140 festivals & won 59 awards, with 31 finalist & semi-finalist degree.

Some festivals in New York, In Los Angeles, in Utah Film Festival, in UK's festivals as London "Red Corner" or in Lifft of Paris where people have been seduced by the message given in "GAB" sent to the producer a lots of satisfaction messages.

Proud of the work done by Gazanfer BIRICIK we hope his others projects will be produced because all have inside messages really worth to be shared.

We also wish more people will understand the message, in particularly the birth place of GAB who has suffered of attacks.

Thank you to everyone who has supported or support Gazanfer BIRICIK & show what could be better in GAB.

One thing is sure, GAB has seduced more people that we thought.

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